Thursday 11 July 2013

Meetha Dahi (Sweet Yoghurt)

Ramzan started today and I have this plan to try and post at least one recipe per day during this month...The first thing I made was the meetha is such an  important part of our diet during Ramzan..its hard to get by without it...It has such a cooling effect on the body after going the whole day without water...It is real easy to make and you can store it in the fridge for at least 2 weeks.  You can use any kind of vessel to set the yoghurt, though the earthen pots gives it a different flavor...


2 L of milk
200 g of sugar
2 tbsp of yoghurt


  • Bring milk to a boil in a thick bottom vessel.  Add the sugar and boil on a low flame till the volume is reduced to half.
  • Remove the vessel from heat and let it cool till lukewarm.
  • Pour the milk into an earthen pot and add the yogurt.  Mix well.
  • Keep the pot in a cool dry place, and let the yogurt set overnight.
  • Refrigerate for 2 hours and serve as a dessert.

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